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Magical Dream (マジカル ドリーム) is Cutie Witch's dream when it takes part in the Dream System. It represents Nozomi's dream from when she was younger, of having the ability to become a witch and make her family's sweets magical.

Magical Dream Coords[]

Fever Description[]

The Dream Wheel spins, and lands on a magic wand icon. The magic wand drops from the wheel, and the user grasps it. They do some poses with the wand, and the background is made more vibrant with a giant rainbow shooting star in the sky.


Magical Dreams of Sweets[]

When Nozomi is having trouble coming up with what dream to use as a motif for her premium rare in the Dream System, she goes back to her home, which also doubles as a sweets cafe, the Wishing Star Cafe. Her parents had just come up with a new dessert item: the Magical Candy caramel pudding. Using the design of the pudding as inspiration, she decides on using a dream of her's when she was younger as her inspiration: the dream of being able to make her parents' sweets magical.
